Wednesday, 23 October 2013

This week has been Victorian week and the children in Sunflower class have been learning about what school was like in Victorian times. We have also been talking about Victorian toys and how they are different to toys you might have today.

Which toy would you like to have?


  1. Emily - Sunflower Class10 November 2013 at 08:53

    I would like to have a Rocking Horse because they are more girly than the other toys.
    The Hippo game looks fun but it is hard because you have to get the most balls.

  2. You're right Emily, the hippo game does look hard. I think I would like the rocking horse as well.

  3. I would like the rocking horse
    it looks fun unlike the hippo which looks hard to play with

  4. Thank you Misbah. Have you tried our chocolate cake in a mug at home?
