Thursday 18 June 2015

Our Lookout Discovery Centre Trip

We had a great day yesterday visiting the Lookout Discovery Centre near Bracknell. We went in a number of different rooms, exploring the activities including building a house and moving a floating ball without touching it!

We also went on a very exciting mini-beast hunt where we found spiders, a harvestman and woodlice. The sun was shining so we ate our lunch outside and made the most of the weather.

Thank you to all of the adults who came along to help. Your support was much appreciated.

Thursday 4 June 2015


Our topic this term is minibeasts and we have had so much fun going on minibeast hunts. We have looked at worms, snails, spiders, wasps and bees and next week we will be studying ladybirds.

Can you find any minibeasts in your garden or in the local environment?

Next week, we are working on doubling and halving the spots on a ladybird.